New Dancer Information

Welcome to Dance To EvOLvE…we’re thrilled to have you a part of our EvOLvE Chicago dancing family!  Hopefully you have already noticed, but we love what we do and are excited to share our passion with your dancer. (There will be plenty of smiling and laughing in dance class!) Everything you need to know is below…read on!

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Your Choices. Our Knowledge. Their Fun!

EvOLvE believes it’s the dance teacher that makes the difference. Each one is carefully chosen by their experience, passion, professionalism, and bubbliness! Small student ratios, curriculum goals, and ongoing teacher trainings create our progressive and age appropriate dance classes. All this ensures that your dancer is in the best learning environment possible. Our talented Chicago teachers create welcoming dance classes that balance learning with fun so that our dancers are always improving!

Is this your first dance class? What to expect.

Read our Blog:  What are appropriate expectations for your first dance class?

Some quick tips:

  • Talk about the dance class ahead of time, what is to be expected and the fun to be had!  Watch videos ahead of time on our social media.
  • Meet the teacher ahead of time by seeing their photo and reading their bio.  Additionally, introduce yourself to the teacher before class.

Be prepared with dance class etiquette:

Who is your point of contact for Chicago?

Since EvOLvE has multiple locations, there is no traditional EvOLvE front desk. Your dance teacher is your direct point of contact but always feel free to contact us in the office. (Compared to the location’s front desk.)  We love hearing from our dancing families.  To find the nearest location details, please go to the neighborhood pages.

Common Questions:

See our FAQ and policies page for the most common questions including: What should your dancer wear to class? What is our class make-up policy?

What do caregivers do during class?

Please take your dancer to the bathroom before class.
YOU&me Movement & Music Dance Class: This is a caregiver/child interactive dance class so 1 adult per dancer stays in the room.

Magical Munchkins & Baby Boppers Dance Class: Caregivers participate as needed and therefore stay in the room. They need your love and encouragement throughout dance class.  Some dancers will need more attention and others, depending on their age and development and that’s okay!

Tiny Movers, Beat Breakers, Star Shiners & Older Dance Classes: These are our big kid dance classes so adults watch from a distance outside of the room.  Caregivers are not required to stay during class as long as you have signed-in your dancer on the clipboard. Please see our potty policy here.

Tip: Looking to make the most of your time while your dancer is in class? Need some extra time to accomplish tasks? Consider enrolling your dancer in back-to-back classes! Experience the joy of double the dance by enrolling your dancer in both a ballet/tap class AND a hip hop class. It’s a fantastic way for your dancer to learn and grow, while you make the most of your time!

When are family watch days?

In addition to the spring dance recital in Chicago, EvOLvE hosts family watch weeks throughout the year.  These are the classes where families can sit inside for 15-minutes of their dancer’s class and take pictures and video until their hearts’ content.  Know what to expect.  Ask your teacher, check our social media, view the calendar or EvOLvE’s newsletter for our family watch dates…and get your camera ready!

How do you stay in the know? 4 easy ways...

  • Follow us on social media:   (Please note our waiver regarding the use of pictures as DTE does use pictures and videos from classes on social media.)
  • Add [email protected] to your email address book for monthly newsletters.
  • See our calendar page for the latest news and events.
  • Listen to your teacher’s announcements.
  • Check out the Dance To EvOLvE blog for all sorts of great information.

Is there a Spring Recital?

In addition to small in-class shows throughout the year, EvOLvE presents an annual Spring Recital that is encouraged (but not required) for age appropriate dance classes. For more information, check out our dance recital page and mark your calendars to ensure your dancer doesn’t miss out!

Do you have feedback?

Questions and feedback (good and bad) are always welcomed, so don’t hesitate to contact us directly anytime…about anything!  We want your child to have an incredible and long lasting experience with Dance To EvOLvE.

Can I bring a friend to dance class?

Since we are big believers in sharing the fun, please invite your friends to the scheduled bring a friend days on our calendar.