FAQs & Policies

Everything you need to know, including our frequently asked questions and policies.

dance classes for kids separator

Frequently Asked Questions

Registration is taken online through our online Parent Portal. Click here to view our full class schedule.

  1. Click the black register button next to the class you want to register for and you will be taken to the Parent Portal.
  2. If you don’t already have an account, you will need to create an account for both you and your dancer.  Confirm your dancer’s birthday prior to registration.
  3. Once you are on the register for a class page, be sure to click on the applicable city’s tab.
  4. Select the class(es) you want to register for and click submit at the bottom.
  5. After clicking submit, click on the blue link in the red box “Click here to set up auto-pay” to complete your registration.
  6. To finish your registration, go back to the register for the class page and there will now be a green button saying “Finish Registration Now.” Click to sign waivers and policies.  Once this has been completed, you will receive an email confirmation for your registered class(es).
  7. Please note: Upon registration, all families are enrolled in auto-renewal* for their class from month-to-month until you notify the office otherwise via email by the 25th of the month. (Cancellations cannot go through the teacher and cannot be taken via phone or text.)

If the class you are interested in is currently full, you will be added to the waitlist upon registration. (No payment required.) As soon as a spot becomes available, you will be notified via email and text with the next steps that you will need to complete within 24 business hours to secure your place in the class.  If we do not hear back from you within 24 business hours, the spot will be released to the next available student and your dancer will be dropped from the waitlist. If you are not going to take the open spot or you wish to remain on the waitlist, please reply to the email or text.

We also have similar classes at other near-by locations. We would love to get your dancer in a similar class! Click here to view our full class schedule.

We understand that it takes a bit of time for young dancers to fully embrace the joy of dance and to begin to build confidence. That’s why we don’t offer a trial class. Instead, we encourage families to commit to at least one session or month. This allows your child the opportunity to settle into the class, get accustomed to the learning environment, and truly start enjoying the dance experience. We believe this commitment provides the best chance for your child to blossom and fully participate in the dance magic!

Please see our blog on the importance of a dress code. We offer a flexible dress code with no specific required colors or styles. For safety and to avoid distraction, dancers should not wear jewelry in class.

YOU & me Movement and Music Class and Mini Movers & Music

  • No dress code or specific dance shoes required. Leotards, tights, tutus, and ballet shoes always add to the fun, and sweatpants, t-shirts and tennis shoes are also great. No sandals, flip flops, boots or crocs for safety.

Combo Classes with Tap, Ballet, and Jazz

  • Attire: Our dress code is simply “dance attire” and is designed to be fun, safe and appropriate for the learning environment. There is not a specific style or color required. Long hair needs to be pulled back. We ask that tiny tots’ dance clothes are only worn for dance class so that the young dancer understands that they are coming to dance class and not an unstructured play time.
    * Leotards, tights, leggings, and tutus all add to the fun.
    * Clean solid-colored sweatpants or jazz pants and a fitted t-shirt are great.
  • Shoes: Ballet and tap shoes are needed for all tap & ballet combo classes. Any shoe color is allowed during class but if you would like to plan ahead to the annual spring showcase, black tap shoes are requested for all dancers and pink ballet shoes for female-identifying costumes and black ballet shoes for male-identifying costumes.
    Check out our dancewear and shoe options here: www.shopnimbly.com/dancetoevolve
    Please see our blog on how to pick out dance shoes and the type of shoes to avoid.

Combo Classes with Hip Hop and Ballet or Tap

  • Attire: Dancers can choose to follow the above dress code for our other combo classes or they can choose to wear the hip hop dress code.
  • Shoes: Sneakers that won’t come off the feet for hip hop and appropriate dance shoes. (ie: Ballet or tap shoes depending on class style)

Hip Hop Classes

  • Attire: Sweats, leggings, and t-shirts are great…wear clothes that you can easily move in and are appropriate when dancing and doing floor work. (Shorts and skirts can be a challenge.) Long hair should be pulled back in a ponytail.
  • Shoes: Sneakers that tie or won’t come off feet. Barefoot, clogs, crocs, sandals, flip flops or socks just won’t work.

Check out our suggested attire and shoe options on our Nimbly shop! You will also find affordable dance attire and shoes online at Discount Dance Supply and Amazon, as well as in stores such as Target, and sometimes Walmart, but they tend to be hit or miss. Local dance stores are also an option but the prices will be higher.

If class is canceled, you will be notified via email and text. If school or after school activities are canceled within the district of your dance class location due to weather, you will be notified via email and text if classes are canceled or if they will proceed as scheduled. No refunds or credits will be issued for any canceled classes, but make-up classes will be offered.

If classes are decided to proceed, and you are not comfortable bringing your child to class due to weather conditions, you have the option to schedule a makeup class. No refunds or credits will be issued.

Ages 14 months – 2

This is an adult/child interactive dance class and an adult must be in class with each dancer.

Ages 2 

Adults participate as needed and therefore stay in the room. They need your love and encouragement throughout dance class. Some dancers will need more attention than others, depending on their age and development and that’s okay!  To have a successful class we ask that only one adult is in the room with the dancer.

Ages 3 & Up

These are our big kid dance classes so families watch from a distance, outside of the room, or you are welcome to drop them off.

SAFETY FIRST…please be sure to sign-in your child if you are dropping them off during class; sign-in on the clipboard with the phone number where you can be reached during the next hour in case of an emergency. This needs to be done every week for any dancer who does not have an adult within viewing distance.  This will give our teachers quick access to an accurate telephone number to contact you if needed.

We understand that being late can be stressful. Simply get your dancer ready outside of the classroom with their shoes on before sending them into class.  Adults should not enter the room if it is a dancer only class. There are no refunds or credits for tardiness.

In addition to small in-class demos throughout the year, EvOLvE does present an annual dance showcase in the spring that is catered to be a fun, positive, age-appropriate experience. The showcase is not required but encouraged for all students…memories to last a lifetime! For more information, click here to view our annual dance recital page to mark your calendars.

  1. Follow us on social media: (Please note our waiver regarding the use of pictures as DTE does use pictures and videos from classes in social media.)
  2. Add [email protected] to your email address book for monthly newsletters and important class updates.
  3. Listen to your teacher’s announcements.
  4. Check out the Dance To EvOLvE blog for all sorts of fun information.
  5. Contact us via email, phone or text, whatever works best for you!


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Upon registration all families are enrolled in auto-renewal* for their class month-to-month until you notify the office otherwise via email. (Cancellations cannot go through the teacher.) All cancellations must be received through the office via email by the 25th of the month. There are no refunds after payment has been processed.

Minimum enrollment is one month. Monthly tuition is processed on the 28th of each month (or closest business day) and is prorated accordingly for any 3 or 5 week months.

*Auto-renewal may or may not be applicable to after-school and daycare/preschool programs. Please see the website for information regarding your specific school or daycare.

You will be notified by email if your credit card was declined. Please update the payment method on file prior to the 1st of the month to avoid a $25 late fee added to your balance. If payment is not received by the first class of the month, your dancer will be dropped from the class and re-registration will be based on class availability with the $25 late fee.

Class make-ups are allowed for:
* Sickness (Thank you for helping to keep our dance environment healthy for all dancers and teachers. If your child has experienced a fever within the last 24 hours or is suspected of being contagious, please use our flexible make-up policy. Your understanding and support are greatly appreciated.)
* Family emergency
* Being out of town

Dancers have one month to make-up any missed class from the day they missed class. It can be made-up in any age appropriate class at any location that allows it. Classes must be made up while you are registered in a class and therefore cannot be done in a dancer’s regular class. We appreciate an email prior to your make-up class so we can confirm the class has availability for an extra student. (We always want to maintain quality!) See schedule for make-up options. There are no refunds or credits for missed classes.

Upon registration all families are enrolled in auto-renewal for their class month-to-month. If you wish to cancel the class, please email the office by the 25th of the month so your card won’t be charged for the next month. (Cancellations cannot go through the teacher and cannot be taken via phone or text.) There are no refunds after payment has been processed. Instead of canceling due to planned absences please take advantage of our flexible make-up policy. (See above.)

Late Pick-Up Fee
For any child picked up 10 minutes or later then check-out time, the card on file will be automatically charged $10 for every 10 minute increment.

Pre-Class Reminder: Before each class begins, we kindly request that you take your child to the bathroom. This proactive approach helps minimize disruptions during the session and ensures that your child can fully engage in the class activities without interruptions.

During Class: Whenever possible, we encourage parents to be the first choice for assisting their child with the bathroom to ensure the uninterrupted flow of the class with the teacher.

Addressing Repeated Bathroom Needs: In the event that your child repeatedly requires restroom breaks, and you are consistently absent during these times, we may kindly request that you remain present during the class to assist your child.

We recognize that occasionally, due to unforeseen circumstances, a class may have only one student in attendance. In such cases, it is our policy to provide a tailored and focused educational experience.

If a scheduled class has only one student in attendance, the teacher will conduct a private lesson for the participating student that is 50% of the class length. We understand that a full length class with just one student can be overwhelming, especially for a child. Therefore, the class will be shortened to ensure a more effective and engaging learning experience.