Lasana M.

EvOLvE Teacher

Meet Lasana, our passionate dance instructor whose journey with teaching children spans various traditional and unconventional settings. From traditional studio environments to teaching freshmen in high school and working with public middle schools and competition teams, Lasana has honed her skills in inspiring young dancers. Her secret sauce for creating engaging and educational dance classes involves incorporating their favorite music, weaving fun stories, and introducing silly moves to keep them connected and involved in the movement. To break the ice and empower shy kiddos, Lasana engages them by inviting them to teach her something or playfully guessing their names, fostering moments of connection and excitement. What truly brings joy to Lasana’s heart is witnessing her students’ confidence grow as they become comfortable with the moves and eagerly showcase them to their parents and classmates. She cherishes the moments when trust is built, making each class a fun and exciting experience. Beyond dance, Lasana’s quirky passions include diving into her extensive Books to Read list and experimenting with new recipes to delight her and her husband’s taste buds. Join Lasana for a dance journey filled with creativity, connection, and culinary adventures!