How Dance to EvOLvE came to be

Hi parents and dancers! My name is Brittany (aka Miss B) and I am the director of Dance to EvOLvE. You have probably seen my name on the website or…

Welcome to Dance to Evolve

How Dance to EvOLvE came to be

Hi parents and dancers!

My name is Brittany (aka Miss B) and I am the director of Dance to EvOLvE. You have probably seen my name on the website or in emails but I haven’t actually been able to meet many of you, partly due to the pandemic but also because  EvOLvE is a mobile company with multiple locations.

For those of you who have met me, you’ll know that I have lots of energy. However unfortunately I still can’t be in more than one place at a time, grrrr! Hence why I started this blog so as to be able to connect with the Dance to EvOLvE community.

I often get asked why and how I started to EvOLvE? Well after working and teaching in studios for 15 years, I was continuously surprised at the costs, limited space availability, and politics that were involved.

What’s more, I see dance as an art and a way to develop important life skills such as communication, hard work, and teamwork. I didn’t see these ideas being taught often enough in classes.  Too often at the studios, there were a lot of additional fees and an unnecessary preoccupation with winning dance competitions. I also witnessed teachers just clocking in and out and not putting anything extra into their teaching.

Everybody should try a dance class! Every company has a captivating backstory and Dance to Evolve is no exception!

As a result, my passion died and I became burned out. This led to me giving up teaching for a few years and working in a more traditional 9-5 office job.  Although I was learning a lot on the business side of things, my 30th birthday was fast approaching and I felt something was missing in my life. 

The penny dropped

I knew I had more to offer than what my office job was asking of me.  So I did the cliché turning 30 things and made a change. I quit my job and went to Brazil for five weeks to dance – an amazing experience that requires a separate five-page blog!

Upon my return, I made the decision to start my own dance company. The idea was to help develop dancers into confident individuals through dance.  

So there you have it! EvOLvE officially began nearly 13 years ago back in summer 2008 in San Diego with the school program. (I bet many of you didn’t even know that we offer school programs.) 

Jumping ahead a few steps…I went to Nobel Rec to see if I could offer the EvOLvE program there.  The director said I could try but she saw a real need for tiny tot classes and asked if I taught that age.  Why yes I do!  So EvOLvE expanded into traditional weekly classes with two classes at Nobel Rec.

I walked in on a Saturday morning having no idea if I would have any students and to my relief, there were six tiny movers waiting to take their first dance class.  Those classes grew over the next few months and fast forward to today and we offer an array of dance classes for all ages in San Diego, Chicago, and Cleveland.

To now be able to call dance my “job” and to work with your children (and some of you adults) is a true privilege.  I love what I do. Now that I have found my path, I wouldn’t ever want to go back to life before 30. (Ok perhaps just to erase those ‘expression lines’ that keep appearing… yes, I am refusing to use the word wrinkles!)

Well, that is a bit of the EvOLvE history. Please do keep an eye on our blog for dance information and inspiration. In the meantime, keep dancing!

Brittany White – EvOLvE dance director


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