12 ideas to stay inspired with dance lessons

As a parent, we need to remember not to push your child with an activity. If you burn them out, they will probably decide the hobby just isn’t fun anymore.…

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12 ideas to stay inspired with dance lessons

As a parent, we need to remember not to push your child with an activity. If you burn them out, they will probably decide the hobby just isn’t fun anymore. If you don’t teach them dedication, they won’t understand that we must work hard to be good at something.

Here is our advice to help you walk this tightrope with regards to dance lessons… First and foremost, we must understand that dance can be a fun, artistic outlet as well as for serious development. Ideally, the combination of both is what truly develops a young dancer. 

Dancing is a mixture of creativity and athleticism. To be skilled in the art of dancing is something anyone can use for the rest of their life. 

So how do we maintain inspiration? Here are some ideas…

12 top tips inspired with dance lessons

1. Make sure they are in the right class in the first place. They need to like the style and teacher. If not, try something new.

2. Look up some YouTube videos that pertain to your dancer and the style they like.

3. Take pictures or videos of them dancing in class to show them after.

4. Give them performance opportunities if they get excited about showing off. This could be at home in front of family or friends, dance recitals, school talent shows, home videos, etc.

5.Bring a friend to a dance lesson one day if your studio allows it.

6. Take them to a dance show. On a budget? Youth dance companies stage affordable performances throughout the year.

7. Watch a dance-inspired movie such as Happy Feet.

8. Allow them to bond with their teacher and classmates. This will help your little dancer get excited to see them each week.

9. Take a break from dance lessons, if needed,  to rejuvenate.

10. If your dancer normally takes ballet, try a different style such as hip hop over the summer.

11. Ask your dancer to show you what they’ve learned after class.

12. Show off some new dance clothes!

 Encourage and motivate your little dancerAs you can see, there are plenty of ways to inspire your child to stick with their dance lessons. They are much more likely to develop the valuable life skills that come with dancing if they are having fun.

And if, for some reason, dance lessons just aren’t for them anymore, casually move on to something else. As long as there is no pressure, they might even get back into dance one day…

 “We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

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