Back to school mood chart

Easter is over and it is officially the back to school season. This time of year is always a whirlwind of emotions for parents and for kids. So we have…

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Back to school mood chart

Easter is over and it is officially the back to school season. This time of year is always a whirlwind of emotions for parents and for kids. So we have created a ‘Back to school’ mood chart so that you can pinpoint what exactly you are feeling and why.


It is a sad moment that summer is ending. Days of camp, free play and warm weather are ending and it is natural to feel a little sad! Also a new school term means that your kids are getting older which sometimes is a little sad as well. It always seems too soon to say goodbye to your little ones, even though they will be your little ones forever no matter how big they get.

Easter was wonderful. Full of family time, relaxing days and good memories! Now you are happy to continue on making memories during the new school term. It’s a new chapter in your and your kid’s lives but you are happy to see what good times it brings

As Easter ends that means finally your kids are back at school. Finally time to just relax, or do all those little things around the house that you haven’t been able to do because your kids have been home. Or if you are a working parent finally you have a set schedule and do not have to pay for childcare anymore. It’s a joyous occasion: celebrate!

Early mornings, packed lunches, shopping trips, homework sessions, and classroom drama (might) lie ahead. There are plenty of things about back to school and school that are not so fun and it is understandable to have a good amount of dread.

Maybe Easter went by in a flash and many of your plans did not pan out and your to-do list is longer than ever. Or maybe the thought of spending a large chunk of change on back to school shopping trips is making your blood boil! There are many completely valid reasons to be angry during this time of the year.

Easter is over already? Is it really time to go back to school? Time seems to be moving increasingly faster every year so it is completely normal to be caught by surprise. Wasn’t just yesterday the last day of school?

Will they like their teacher? Will they have friends in their classes? Can they handle the homework and new material? . Just always seek to reassure yourself that you will make it through. 

With all these changes, it is normal to feel a sense of anticipation. With great new back to school activities, new friends, learning new things, and many more new experiences ahead it is wonderful to feel anticipation about the new school year.

Along with the anxiety these changes can also cause excitement. This is a great time of year to try new after school activities!.For example dance, music, sports, art are great new back to school activities for kids.


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