Five benefits of dance recital participation

Recitals are often the highlight of a dancer’s experience each year. Though the thought of dancing for an audience may seem overwhelming at first, participation in an annual recital is…

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Five benefits of dance recital participation

Recitals are often the highlight of a dancer’s experience each year. Though the thought of dancing for an audience may seem overwhelming at first, participation in an annual recital is an incredible opportunity. Here’s why…

Five benefits of dance recital participation:

For dance students, the annual recital is the biggest event of the year

Recitals boost confidence:

Taking part in a recital or performance helps dancers overcome shyness and stage fright. It gives students a chance to showcase all of their hard work throughout the year. As children experience performing for an audience, they gain self-confidence. They can carry this with them in all aspects of school and life.

Recitals promote teamwork:

By working with their fellow dancers on a group performance, little ones learn how to work in a team. Teamwork is a basic skill necessary in all aspects of life. Recitals provide a wonderful opportunity for dancers to learn that anything one can do, a group can do even better!

Recitals provide goals:

Athletes have tournaments and dancers have recitals! The weeks/months spent preparing for a recital teaches students how to work towards a goal. Dancers take pride in conquering new steps they’ll be able to show off.

Recitals build new skills:

Preparing for a recital is a way for dancers to work on retention skills, rhythm, technique, and more. For students who have never performed before, recital introduces new terminology.

Recitals create memories:

Recital memories are lifelong memories! Recital performances provide dancers with the opportunity to share what they have been learning with friends and families. Costumes become treasured keepsakes. Meanwhile, recital pictures become the highlights of photo albums. For families, the recital is a time to celebrate their dancer’s achievements. For dancers, the recital instills a passion for the art of dancing and performing.

Last word

If your child is enrolled in a dance class, be sure to check out what fun and exciting recitals are available. Many studios hold a summer performance, and now is the perfect time to start preparing!

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