Five reasons to try a hip-hop summer dance camp

When choosing a summer camp for your kids, give them a break from the sun and heat and consider a hip-hop camp. A summer hip-hop dance camp allows kids to…

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Five reasons to try a hip-hop summer dance camp

When choosing a summer camp for your kids, give them a break from the sun and heat and consider a hip-hop camp. A summer hip-hop dance camp allows kids to try a modern dance genre in a fun environment. Still, need some convincing? keep reading to find out why a summer hip-hop dance camp could be an awesome experience for your kids.

Keep the juices flowing
Throughout the school year, kids spend their days learning new things and building their understanding and knowledge. Summer dance camps are a great way to trigger kids’ brains until the start of the next school year. Students memorize sequences of steps, rhythm patterns in music, spacing, and formations, keeping those brains active! Studies show that when we make split-second, quick decisions (like when we dance), we create new neuron pathways that increase our intelligence. Give your kids a break from school but keep their minds engaged through dancing!

Beat the heat
We all want to enjoy the sunshine this time of year and we know that kids will run around all day enjoying the heat but many parents might appreciate an alternative way to keep them busy. Dance camps typically take place inside with maybe a snack, lunch, game, or craft break outside for fresh air. Switch up your summer camps a bit and give your child some variation for dealing with the warm weather.

Try something new
Many parents are interested in short commitments for their children until they find what they are truly passionate about. Summer is the perfect time to try a dance style like hip-hop to see what really gets a kid moving! Boys and girls love dancing to the latest songs at home and with their friends so bring along everyone and let them experience the excitement of learning moves to their favorite jams! It will never get boring with new and up-to-date music and the kids will be having a blast for the week!

Get maximum creativity
If your child is drawn to creativity, summer hip hop camps are a perfect fit! Kids get many chances to share their creativity through movement, games, arts and crafts, and songs. Dance is one of the best ways for kids to express themselves and they will love learning, creating, and performing dances that truly come from the heart!

Make new friends
Dancing creates a team-like atmosphere because the participants must work together to create the finished product. Because camps tend to be half-day, many kids will schedule playdates with new friends after camp too! This is a great way for kids to make new friends and create special memories that will last a lifetime! 

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