How dance benefits the early development of little dancers

Dance is a powerful tool for developing the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive attributes of a growing child. Participating in dance classes has numerous benefits on early childhood development. Read…

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How dance benefits the early development of little dancers

Dance is a powerful tool for developing the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive attributes of a growing child. Participating in dance classes has numerous benefits on early childhood development. Read on to discover more!

Physical development
Physical development is one of the most obvious benefits. Children are learning a great range of motion, body awareness, balance, muscle strength, coordination, and endurance. Movement patterns require the child to use their entire body to reach a level of fitness that is unparalleled by other activities.

Social awareness
At kids’ dance schools, children have the opportunity to learn in a comfortable social setting. They also learn how to communicate, listen and express ideas. Taking classes at a dance school for children also helps to reduce anxiety about new people and places. Children learn the social skills required to initiate relationships with other children their age.

Cognitive development
Through experiences in dance school, children understand that movement can be used as a response to an idea or problem at a young age. This creates a cognitive link to a solution or outcome. This type of cognitive development creates an awareness of how to function in the world. For example, it is very common in EvOLvE dance classes for children to be taught to leap over a “river” (scarf or mat) so they don’t get wet.

Emotional maturity
Kids dance school provides a structured outlet for a healthy physical and emotional release. There are endless opportunities for little dancers to share various emotions through dance moves. Dancing also increases their self-esteem and confidence. Take EvOLvE’s annual recital. At first, some dancers may be too shy to perform in front of an audience. However, dancing helps them to get more comfortable with their own body and abilities. Consequently, little dancer’s fear of performing in public evaporates.


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